mental health

nolisoli sticker pack sad animation depression
Artist made a sticker pack that honestly conveys depressive feelings

“I have no idea why [depression] came on. I’m in a really good place—financially stable,…

nolisoli anxiety anxious iphone tricks
Feeling anxious when you look at your phone? Here’s a trick

Being connected 24/7 is exhausting albeit undeniably convenient. There are times notification alert tones make…

nolisoli health wellness beach benefits
Going to the beach is good for your health

It’s summer, and I’m sure we’re going to see a lot of “Time for some…

You’re sabotaging yourself by procrastinating

We stay in bed for a couple of unacceptable minutes after the alarm clock rouses…

Forget classical music—heavy metal can help your mental health more

A new study from the Journal of Community Psychology suggests that listening to heavy metal…

Acne increases risk of clinical depression

At 22, acne remains to be one of the battles I have to face every…

Remembering Ren Hang: the eroticism of mental health

Why it’s so important to talk about depression in art

This is how you can stay mentally healthy at work

It’s hard to take care of your mental health at work. Heck, work-life balance seems…

The rights and services under the recently passed Mental Health bill

The House of Representatives finally does one thing right for the Filipino people. During a…

Can you de-stress using the Love Method?

Reworking the brain and letting go of unnecessary stress can really transform a person mentally…