Half Saints launches private dining and studio

Called HS/ SOCIALS, the private dining space can also be used as a creative content studio. Located on the second floor of Halfsaints’ Bake Studio. Photo from Halfsaints/Facebook

Nearly three years after expanding into a bake studio and opening two outposts in Tokyo, Half Saints continues to grow their brand—this time with HS/ Socials.

The new concept is located on the second floor of their Quezon City space. Carrying a slightly different feel from the industrial main restaurant and the bright airiness of the bake studio, HS/ Socials is primarily a private dining space where guests can host intimate parties, meetings, and events. 

It will also serve as a creative content studio, which can be rented out for shoots.

A tasting menu is also set to be launched soon.

Categories: EATS
Pauline Miranda: