Wildfire ash shrouds over Disneyland California

A raging wildfire is taking over Northern California, and the devastation is reflected in the happiest place on earth.

Most of the fire was reportedly ignited last Sunday, Oct. 8. It was spread thanks to 50mph wind later that evening and dry conditions surrounding the immediate areas.  So far, 17 have been reported dead and over 2,000 structures have been destroyed.

The wildfire, which has been dubbed as Canyon Fire 2, is still ongoing today and is slowly but surely being established as one of the worst disasters in California’s history.

And the ruin has been perfectly reflected in a picturesque apocalyptic Disneyland.


As if straight out of a Disney movie, the sky dims to an ominous and ironic burnt orange as Canyon Fire 2 devastates the neighboring establishment of Anaheim Hill where the original Disneyland resides.

Despite the eerie atmosphere (literally and metaphorically) surrounding the amusement park right now, Disneyland California said that they will stay open. They will be putting the “Remember… Dreams Come True” fireworks show on hold for a while though.


Read more:

Here’s how to do it right in a possible hotel fire

Theres’s more to fireworks than just igniting the sky

Categories: FIXTURE Nolisoli
Tags: fixture
Anthea Reyes:

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