Are you eating too much sugar? This device will tell you

Sugar might as well be the most common food in the world because it’s in everything we eat, some on a daily basis. That paired with bad carbs, and you’re well on your way to getting a number of health problems. Eating these things spike up your blood sugar, leading to energy crashes and intense cravings later. (That explains why you feel lethargic after eating fast food or sweets.)

Luckily, Tech giants Fitbit and Apple are exploring the possibility of creating a device that can tell you the amount of sugar in your food. People who have diabetes will greatly benefit from this tool, as well as those who don’t. Currently, diabetics use a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) that tracks and keeps their blood sugar levels from falling dangerously high or low. But unlike the old CGM, the new version won’t involve wedging a quarter-inch-long needle underneath the skin and wearing it all day.

Photo courtesy of Sano

Ashwin Pushpala, the founder of the San Francisco-based health and tech startup Sano, is leading the development. The device will replace the long needle with 400 tiny, painless ones arranged in a small square. According to Pushpala, it feels like a “stiff bandaid with sandpaper on one side.”

Find sugar where you least expect it

“People without diabetes who wear a CGM will learn several things. First, they’ll learn what macronutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrates) do to their blood sugar,” says Edward Damiano, a diabetes researcher at Boston University. You’d be surprised to know that a slice of cake could contain less sugar than a big salad. With the help of CGMs, people can ensure that they’re getting the right nutrients for them.

Steer clear of salad dressings that contain a lot of sugar. Stick to homemade vinaigrettes instead. (Photo courtesy of Unsplash)

Pushpala and Damiano want to help people see how excessive carbs and sugar can affect their glucose readings. “They’ll start looking at foods differently,” Damiana added.


Read more:

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Quitting sugar? Science says to sleep more
The different names of sugar hiding in your food

Bea Llagas: