This powerful element can instantly transform your home

When we talk about designing (or redesigning) the home, we often cover elements like color palettes and coordination, furniture styles, space arrangements, and even feng shui. But we seldom talk about the role of scents in the home.

Smell is the strongest among our senses. It’s the sense that has been in strong use even in the primitive ages—it was through scents that we were able to determine if something was safe to eat. A number of psychological studies through the years have also noted that the sense of smell is heavily connected to our mood, memory, and emotions.

Aside from the fact that these are the easiest to source and create, scents that mimic natural elements—from fruits, flowers, to trees—are common because of the positive effects they give.

Tangy, citrusy scents could evoke memories of summer, mostly owing to the seasonality of tropical and citrus fruits. Likewise, it also helps in energizing and boosting mood. Floral notes like rose, on the other hand, are more romantic and mellow, while scents like lavender are more relaxing (hence its popularity as an essential oil).

And if forest-bathing is good for the health, the next best thing would be to bring the scent of the outdoors in, right? Wood scents bring to mind forests and the great outdoors, which naturally also does wonders for the mood. Sandalwood is said to help reduce insomnia, while cedar is good in relieving feelings of anxiety.

Opt for scented cleaning tools because getting your space spotless doesn’t have to mean harsh chemicals and toxic fumes.

An easy way to incorporate these scents into your home is through using scented cleaning agents. Pine-Sol, for example, has a number of scents available, such as lavender, lemon, and mango and Mandarin orange. For a more timely scent, they also have Sunshine Meadow, a limited edition scent available until July, which is reminiscent of the fields of grass and flowers in summer. These scented cleaners work on a variety of surfaces such as wood, metal, ceramic tile, marble, granite, and glass, and can clean out dirt, grime, and grease.

The next time you decide to spruce up your space (which should be done regularly and often), don’t just think about aesthetics. Remember that it’s also important to consider the effect of your room’s scent and the mood you want to evoke for the people in that space.


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The 5 stages of cleaning your desk

3 reasons why you should hire an interior designer for your dream home

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Pauline Miranda: