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Video game soundtracks help you focus at work

I try not to listen to Carly Rae Jepsen or Spotify’s chart-toppers playlist when I…

Let these apps help you with your New Year’s resolutions

The new year always comes with hope for changes. When we enter a new year,…

nolisoli care eisenhower box productivity
Decide what tasks you should focus on with this productivity hack

In his essay “Tyranny of the Urgent” published in the ’80s, Charles Hummel, author and…

nolisoliph be fixture podcasts
If you think your brain’s getting rusty, listen to these podcasts

There are times where everything becomes clockwork. There also comes a point where we already…

nolisoli be fixture being busy kills creativity
Don’t kill your creativity, be idle for a while

You’re weird if you’re not busy with anything, work-related or not. Our minds are constantly…

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Labor force, rejoice: You’ll never be late for work again

Manila traffic is bad. And it’s not just a state of mind or a mere excuse.…

2016 05 nolisoli health time management pomodoro technique
How to manage your time in 3 easy steps

Time is an enemy that guards every deadline like a hawk. But are our markers…

Messy spaces might just be the secret to success

There is a collective fascination for spatial order, expressed by our desire for the symmetrical,…

6 ways to organize your life

The human mind can only do so much. When multi-tasking has become the norm and…