Many doors have closed in the time of COVID-19. Most of which are businesses, which…
Apparently, Facebook can now do hashtags but with underscores for spaces. You might have seen…
When internet scams and dummy accounts began surfacing in the early months of quarantine, I…
With kids turning to the internet during quarantine, how can parents teach them about online…
Only last month, a number of netizens found a number of empty Facebook accounts using…
Two months after National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) chief Maj. Gen. Debold Sinas became…
Barter or the system of exchanging goods without involving money, which can be traced back…
Don’t deny it. We’ve all instantly clicked the “I agree” button when the terms and…
In an attempt to divert attention from spam and clickbait on their site, Facebook announced…
On June 26, Rakuten Viber announced that they will be cutting business ties with the…