
Don’t have a gov’t-issued ID yet? Get one from this LRT-1 station caravan

Speaking from experience, it’s exhausting to acquire a government-issued ID in this country. Most primary ID…

LRT 2 Flickr
Will constructing a train simulator finally make local trains safe for transit?

The Philippines rail transit system is known for a lot of things. For its constant…

The old tranvia system can bring you from Plaza Lacson to Makati in 25 minutes

I have been taking the LRT Line 1 from Caloocan to Manila for five years already.…

nolisoliph subway
The government promised us a subway by 2024

Plans are going smoothly and by the looks of it, we may have our very…

nolisoli news fixture train travel PNR
Traveling from Manila to Pampanga in 55 minutes is possible

The two-hour travel time from Manila to Pampanga will soon be 55 minutes only. On…