Organic items have, for so long, taken a backseat in favor of chemical-ridden skincare goods and luxe cosmetic brands. Ordinary food products, however, can remedy skincare problems we don’t commonly know. Other than giving nutrition to the body, kitchen ingredients applied on the skin can equally have you looking in the pink of health.
Dead skin cells
Baking soda is a natural exfoliant because it’s coarse enough to slough off dead skin cells, but not too coarse to ruin the skin. Simply mix a small amount with a little water and scrub onto your face gently for a few minutes to reveal a fresher and healthier complexion.

Caffeine helps improve circulation, which can remove excess water from the skin and make it appear firmer. Drinking coffee is already helpful, but scrubbing coffee grounds on cellulite-affected areas of the skin can also help. Mix ground coffee with a little bit of coconut oil and cinnamon for a delicious, all-natural scrub that can reduce the appearance of dimpling on the skin.

Oily skin
Most people turn to apple cider vinegar to treat oily skin but, surprisingly, honey can also treat this skin problem. The natural antiseptic properties of honey can sufficiently moisturize the skin without making it oily. It smells better than apple cider vinegar, too. Apply a thin layer of honey over the face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Gently massage the skin before rinsing.

Chicken skin
Clinically known as keratosis pilaris, chicken skin can be treated with lactic acid; a sugar and sour cream mixture contains enough lactic acid to lessen the appearance of this skin condition. Take a tablespoon of granular sugar and add this to two table spoons of sour cream. Stir well and apply on the affected area using circular motions. Do this regularly.
This story was originally published in Southern Living, August 2015.