San Miguel Corporation (SMC), perhaps most known for their subsidiary, San Miguel Brewery, has announced that in line with their sustainability efforts and to reduce their environmental footprint, they will be “exiting the plastic bottled water business,” Inquirer reports.
SMC’s bottled water brand, Purewater, will instead be channeled into investment in filtration technology, that will be deployed in areas hit by calamities.
We all already know that plastic is bad for the environment—plastic water bottles obviously included—but in case you still need to be convinced, here are a few more reasons why, like SMC, we should swear off bottled water starting now:
1. Bottled water might contain chemicals

Even though these bottled water companies say their bottles are BPA-free (meaning they don’t use the chemical bisphenol A, which is normally used in making plastics and resins), it’s possible that other chemicals used could seep out, especially if the bottles are exposed to heat, or left to sit for a long time.
2. Constantly buying bottled water may also be more expensive

You could possibly save more money bringing your own refillable water container (that isn’t plastic!). Think about it: Fill your water bottle before you leave the house (this is free). You can refill it in your office (for free), or at the restaurant you’re having lunch at (for free).
3. The production and transportation of these plastic bottles use up a lot of resources

Ironically, production of bottled water also uses up a lot of water. And oil. And it releases thousands of tonnes of CO2, too. Those numbers get higher if the water bottles are imported.
So before you reach for that plastic bottle of water, think about it. Do you really need it? Or are there other alternatives?
Header image courtesy of Picjumbo
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Pasig River is the second worst plastic waste contributor in the world
You could be eating plastic right now
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