Bea Llagas

316 Articles Published | Follow:
Here’s a sunscreen that corals will love

In my quest of finding cruelty-free products, I stumbled upon Magwai, a local brand that…

3 reasons why you should hire an interior designer for your dream home

The idea of hiring an interior designer to take care of your dream home can…

We found the Japanese art of saving money

Before anything else, let me ask you, how’s your savings account? Is it happy and…

Here’s a list of job fairs happening on April until May

Whoever said finding a  job would be easy must be out his mind. A lot…

Something to do this weekend: Intramuros 3D Paper Kit

Attention history buffs, craft-lovers, kids, and everyone in between: There’s an Intramuros 3D paper kit…

The future of advertising is in Kris Aquino’s comment section

Kris Aquino is not one to shy away from netizens—especially online trolls—who have something to…

Organic tampons and menstrual cups won’t keep you safe from toxic shock syndrome, study says

A new research published in the Applied and Environmental Biology has shown that organic tampons…

The best ways to enjoy ice cream this summer

Dirty, artisan, commercial, gourmet, dairy-free—seriously, there are plenty of ways to enjoy good ole ice…

Your download speeds just increased, according to this survey

There’s a very good reason your mobile data connection has been improving lately. Speedtest results…

Is Hype the new Uber?

I don’t know about you, but we still can’t accept the fact that Uber is…