Thets Torres

284 Articles Published | Follow:
5 yoga poses to fight pain

Whether you’re young or old, back pains can target anyone, especially if you’re not that…

5 seemingly healthy foods that aren’t actually healthy

People say that the key to healthy eating is swapping one kind of food for…

At Japanese restaurant The Kushi Bar, rum is a key ingredient

With a profusion of old and new Japanese restaurants in Manila, a constant challenge for…

5 homegrown fiction novels to boost your political knowledge

For years, the Philippines’ political environment has been a melting pot of social injustices and…

Motorcycle taxis early termination lifted
Pilot run for motorcycle taxis to continue

The Department of Transportation’s technical working group (TWG) has reversed its decision on the early…

Yoga Plus
4 studios to get started with yoga

Choosing what form of exercise works best for you always includes the process of finding…

Tarlac to be introduced as first partner artisan community at German lifestyle trade fair

The province of Tarlac is more commonly known as an agricultural cornerstone for the Philippines,…

People practicing yoga
4 reasons why you should do yoga

Maybe going to the gym may not have been the best fit for you; lifting…

What’s the best face mask to use against air pollution?

With the recent Taal Volcano phreatic eruption, ash and other dangerous particles in the air…

Taal Volcano Eruption calls for volunteers onsite
Here’s where you can volunteer onsite for #TaalEruption2020 relief efforts

After Taal Volcano’s phreatic eruption last Jan. 12, many have joined in on sharing their…