Las Piñas

DOTr’s free hospital shuttle services are now on Google Maps

In collaboration with the Department of Transportation (DOTr) and the Department of Health (DOH), Google…

Las Piñas mall opens 1.1-km Joggers’ Lane where runners can train for free

“In a public space, ideally, you are a citizen with agency; in a faux public…

Coffee Project Black might be the best bookshop café to visit in the South

Coffee Project, Fully Booked launch its first cafe-bookshop collab at Evia Lifestyle Center

cup point
LOOK: Sunnies’ in-store café is your next coffice

Did you know that the spacious Sunnies Specs and Studios in SM Southmall doubles as…

We tried that 12-in-1 cheesecake trending on Facebook

Scrolling through Facebook, a post from one of my South™ friends caught my eye. It…

nolisoli city guide trampoline bounce
LOOK: New trampoline park in the south

It seems like we can’t get enough of amusement parks. I can’t blame you; there’s…

nolisoli be fixture manila bay lppchea
There’s life around Manila Bay, and you can help improve it

“Alam mo ang tingin ko sa Maynila, parang ulap, lumulutang,” William Martinez’s Alex tells a…

Buku-Buku Kafe serves sago’t gulaman spiked with tequila

Art, gastronomic, and rhetoric aficionados have found a cubbyhole in Buku-Buku Kafe’s pioneer branch in…