
Mga kinahanglang mahibal-an bahin sa COVID-19

Mga kasagarang pangutana bahin sa COVID-19 1. Unsa ang COVID-19? Ang COVID-19 usa ka makatakod…

Mga dapat maaraman manungod sa COVID-19

Mga kahapotan manungod sa COVID-19 1. Ano an COVID-19? An COVID-19 sarong nakakaulakit na helang…

Tanan nga dapat masayran parte sa COVID-19

Mga kalabanan nga pamangkot parte sa COVID-19 1. Ano ro COV-19? Ro COVID-19 hay isaea…

These essential workers are frontliners too deserving of our gratitude

The reality of this enhanced community quarantine is that while most of us can comfortably…

mcdonald's kindness kitchen
McDonald’s launches “Kindness Kitchen” for frontliners and affected communities

McDonald’s Philippines is serving frontliners and communities in need of assistance during the COVID-19 outbreak…

Max’s Group of restaurants is temporarily suspending operations

In order to minimize the risk of further COVID-19 infections, casual dining chain operator Max’s…

Podcast musicals take the theater experience on the go

Theater may be one of the oldest performing arts (with the Western tradition dating as…

zen bear yoga unsplash
Free yoga classes you can do at home right now

These days, more than ever, it’s important to take extra care of your health and…

Tips and tricks on how to make your food last longer during the quarantine

In light of the coronavirus outbreak and the enhanced community quarantine, it was recommended by…

hospicio de san jose binondo building inquirer
NHCP allows partial demolition of old Hospicio de San Jose building in Binondo

The days of the old Hospicio de San Jose building’s stay in Binondo, Manila are…