On Dec. 9, 2023, The Alley at Karrivin, the creative space along Pasong Tamo Extension in Makati posted on Instagram that a black and tan shiba inu was found in its premises.
A month later, Inu, as the dog came to be known, was still at Karrivin, with no owners claiming him. “He’s a sweet boy to humans,” a follow-up post read. “But is on high alert when other dogs are around,” which was a problem because The Alley was famously a pet-friendly establishment. They even have a “Dog Friends” and an “Alley Cats” Instagram Story highlight.

So Inu was trained by animal welfare advocates and canine enthusiasts, who worked to calm him down and to get him used to other dogs around him.
“I met him in January when my friend Michelle [Ayuyao of The Alley at Karrivin and Toyo Eatery] asked me to check this dog out who was sweet to people but vicious towards other dogs,” said ballet dancer and independent animal rescuer Joni Vergara. “She asked me if I could help and since I’ve worked with rescue animals for years, I agreed.”
Vergara said Inu was easily trainable and already showing signs of improvement even after just the first session. “I don’t think he’ll ever be friendly and sociable towards other dogs but being able to ignore them and stay neutral without incessant barking and lunging towards other dogs was just the goal.”
She still remembers the first time he walked him, taking another dog to see just how “aggressive” he was. “I knew he was “aggressive” but I didn’t expect him to go ballistic.” In the beginning, even Vergara was puzzled as to how a Shiba Inu, a prized Japanese dog breed, could end up as a stray. “But after seeing what had happened, we started joking that “Oh, maybe his owners didn’t know what to do with him so they just let him be after he disappeared.”

Even after being socialized and proving himself a delight to the members of the community, still no one came to claim him. The management has decided to take care of him for the time being, even allowing visitors to pet him, play with him, and walk him occasionally.
Just last week, Apr. 19, an important update was posted on The Alley at Karrivin’s social media pages: “Two loving people from the Karrivin community will be taking care of him.” They are adopting Shoyu Inu (his new name). The post continues: “As much as we love Inu and we’ve enjoyed every day with him, we know he deserves a house to come home to, and humans to call his own.”
[READ: My partner and I adopted a dog and our relationship was never the same since]
Before he went to his new home, Shoyu Inu said goodbye to, what The Alley at Karrivin called, his “guardian angels and friends.” These included the security guards at the compound who have grown fond of him during his more than four months stay at Karrivin, and the crew from Toyo Eatery, who saw and interacted with him every day.
One of them is Paulo Achacoso, the manager of Toyo Eatery’s sibling dining concept Inatô. “Inu was actually a major part of my day,” he said of the Shiba. “He was always malambing, but I think more so cause every morning I would pass by where he would be staying and pet and play with him for maybe a good five minutes, and everytime I would go home, I would also pass by Shoyu and say good night and good bye, would tell him see you tomorrow and all.”

For him, Inu finding a home is bittersweet. “Obviously I’m sorta sad that I won’t get to see him everyday and that part of my day would change, but I’m also the happiest that he has found a new home and with people that we know also that would take care of them.”
Reflecting upon her serendipitous meeting with the dog, Vergara can’t help but be introspective upon learning that Inu has found a new home. She says, “It’s not everyday that an opportunity like that comes up for a rescue dog with behavioral problems so I’m so glad that Inu gets to go to a home that’s perfect for him.”
Meanwhile, Achacoso said that he was really happy when he found out it was someone from the Karrivin community who would be taking in the dog. “He sends me pictures and videos still of how happy Shoyu is.”
For their part, Shoyu Inu’s new parents, who work in the compound, has promised to bring him to Karrivin as often as possible.