Joy Therese Gomez

144 Articles Published | Follow:
5 short modern courses to help break the monotony of adulthood
5 short modern courses to help break the monotony of adulthood

As adults most likely part of the workforce, many aspects of our lives tend to…

Scenes from Art Fair Philippines 2019
Everything you need to know about Art Fair 2020

Now on its 8th year of transforming The Link into an iconic celebration of contemporary…

Can you spend the night on the edge of a cliff?

Where’s the most unique place you’ve spent the night at? Sure, there are a lot…

Tokyo Milk Cheese Factory Ayala Malls Manila Bay
Tokyo Milk Cheese Factory now offers sweet and savory dishes at its first cafes

You know that cozy and and sweet-smelling pastry stall you always find yourself running into…

bike shop at teacher's village
The best bike shops in Teacher’s Village

Teacher’s Village in Diliman, Quezon City is one of the most popular food hubs in…

Modeka: A new creative space that reframes multisensory art experiences

Set inside one of La Fuerza’s multi-purpose warehouses is another goldmine and testament to the…

It’s time we talk about earphone etiquette

Earphones, headphones, and now, airpods or whatever you call them, are genius; you get to…

LOOK: Deeply-moving acts of bayanihan from the Taal eruptions

This past week, we’ve seen how one of the smallest volcanoes in the world could…

What are the government’s plans for the victims of Taal Volcano’s eruption?

After denying accusations of unpreparedness and lack of funds, different sectors of the administration are…

Artists Martha Atienza and Yee I-Lann on the universal struggle of island communities

With the way many kinds of artworks are upheld and given such a privileged role…