Home is where the heart is, so when it’s full of mess and clutter, it starts feeling less like home. As more and more of our things pile up in the corners and shelves of our rooms, we also tend to feel like our lives are out of control. When there are scattered clothes, disarrayed papers and disorganized trinkets all around, it all leads to a mess-induced stress.
However, decluttering isn’t an easy task; it’s time-consuming and it can be difficult to choose what to get rid of. Because of this, we end up telling ourselves “I’m going to clean that next time.” But do yourself a favor, get rid of the stress and try out these methods to help you effectively declutter your home.
KonMari Method
This decluttering method garnered its creator, Marie Kondo, her own TV series on Netflix, which is a definite testament to its success. Rather than focusing on what to get rid of, it allows you to choose which items matter more to you or, more popularly, which ones spark joy. When you’re done, it exudes the most freeing feeling, especially when everything that’s left are items that bring you happiness. It’s a thorough method that will take up a great portion of your time, so make sure to set a schedule for it.
How to do it: Go through all of your items in your house, from the kitchen to the basement. Sort through each item individually, and ask yourself “Does this item spark joy?” If the answer is yes, keep it. If it’s a no, time to throw it out.
Four Box Method

Compartmentalizing proves to be a handy skill with this method. The Four Box Method is best for people who want to thoroughly analyze each item before throwing them out. A lot of thought is poured into the process, and it ensures that everything has its purpose. Also, people who are indecisive get a bit of leeway, allowing them to make up their mind some other time. However, it’s best to make a decision. Let’s not fall back to that “next time” habit again, okay?
How to do it: Ready four boxes and label them: Trash (for things to throw away), Gift (for things to give or sell), Storage (for things that are not used regularly but still useful), and Undecided (for things you are unsure of what to do with). Work room by room and sort the items into the boxes.
The 90/90 Rule
Conceptualized by world-renowned minimalists Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus, the 90/90 rule is an effective method that lets you look at the history of an item and how it can still be of purpose to you. By looking backward and forward in time, you get rid of all the items you’re keeping just in case, which sets a strict but effective method for you to finally let go of all that random clunk.
How to do it: Look at any possession of yours and ask yourself “Have I used this item in the last 90 days? If not, will I use it in the next 90 days?” If the answer is no to both questions, then throw the item away.
The Mins Game

Another method from Millburn and Nicodemus, The Mins Game does exactly what its name suggests, it gamifies minimalism. By consistently getting rid of items more and more once per day, it builds momentum and in the end, turns decluttering into a habit. The decision-making process on whether to keep or trash an item becomes easier as the days continue. However, with this method, each day is also a new challenge so always keep in mind that consistency is key.
How to do it: Start your first day by throwing only one item. On the second day, throw two items. Three items on the third day, and so on. At the end of the month, you’d have thrown away more than 450 items.
Header photo courtesy of Patrick Perkins on Unsplash
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