6 ways to organize your life

The human mind can only do so much. When multi-tasking has become the norm and…

dragon fireworks
There’s more to fireworks than just igniting the sky

Even for only fleeting moments, fireworks can give the most awe-inspiring experience with showers of…

Get to know yourself more with Kokology

“The unconscious is a powerful determinant of behavior,” writes psychologist Bruno Bettelheim in The Uses…

Piopio threads traditional patterns to create chic clothing

Late last year, a new fashion line celebrating Filipino artistry and ingenuity was launched at…

How Mike Concepcion built his business empire at 25

Mike’s tip: “Pay better attention in accounting class! You will need it!”

Meryll Soriano pursues her lifelong passion for design with Community

Behind the scenes, award-winning actress Meryll Soriano is a regular girl: one who took ballet…

30,000 guests expected to attend this year’s Art Fair

Last year, Art Fair Philippines boasted an attendance of 22,000 guests, an almost 30 percent…

nolisoli art community
The story behind the dolphin murals on the street

It takes a lot of variety to hold a crowd’s attention. However grand your artwork,…

The value of face-to-face meetings in the digital age

Technology is at the core of every millennial. Everything is measured in mbps and gigabytes.…

Why foster a dog? It’s one of the most fulfilling experiences you can have

When adopting a pet, it’s either you choose the dog, or the dog chooses you.…