A different take on summer seafood: sous vide salmon

We spent an afternoon with chef Him Uy de Baron at Rustan’s Shangri-la, where he…

Cook fool-proof steak using a sous vide machine

No more overcooked steak

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Would you try a mystery steak box?

If there’s one thing many people are particular about, it’s how they like their steak.…

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Handwoven bags that support local craftsmanship

Woven bags are all the rage and seem to have become the summer bag of…

How to handle an awkward situation according to the US Ambassador

Meeting your significant other’s parents, running into your ex, seeing your terror boss in the…

The dream jobs versus the day jobs of the NOLISOLI team

In celebration of the upcoming Labor Day, we asked the folks around our office two…

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LOOK: Bubblegum-colored sneakers made from actual gum

The ongoing conversation about sustainability and waste reduction has mainly revolved around plastic: going plastic-free,…

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You can now download everything you’ve ever uploaded on Instagram

Like Facebook, you can now also download your data on Instagram. Like, everything you’ve ever…

Here’s a sunscreen that corals will love

In my quest of finding cruelty-free products, I stumbled upon Magwai, a local brand that…

3 reasons why you should hire an interior designer for your dream home

The idea of hiring an interior designer to take care of your dream home can…