
Joy in eating community food experience header nolisoliph
Finding, losing and (kind of) regaining the joy in eating

“The joy of eating isn’t just limited to tasting and consuming, it’s also about appreciating and helping the people who made your food.”

3 reasons why you should sign up for that fitness challenge, according to science

From dopamine boosts to keeping your brain sharp, we break down why fitness challenges work for us

Pulling off a good night’s rest: How to sleep better and faster

After a long day of work, chores or just a load of mental stress from…

7 budget-friendly ways to take care of yourself

When we think of self-care, we tend to believe it always involves “treating ourselves” to…

What 3,000 minutes of guided meditation taught me

My relationship with meditation has been on and off for the past two years now.…

The Nolisoli gift guide for people who are all about self-care

Has anyone else noticed how 2019 has truly been the year of self-care? At long…

Caliraya life connect
My three days of rest and relaxation in the middle of a lake in Laguna, Part 1

Let me begin by saying that, apart from the title, this has very little to…

Fish be with you and with your spinach: The Farm at San Benito’s new restaurant is pescetarian

On a rainy Sunday afternoon, we embark on a road trip to Lipa where The…

Don’t pee on jellyfish stings—and other first-aid “tips” that only do more harm

The lack of basic emergency healthcare facilities in tourist destinations has turned dream vacations into…

Find peace in the busy city at this art and healing festival

How would you describe Manila? Dynamic or full of energy? Busy and noisy? Whatever it…