You can actually use heirloom rice for risotto

Free-flowing coffee and horchata from El Union, an all-Filipino brunch menu from The Test Kitchen,…

nolisoli fixture startup
An easy guide to startups

Imagine this: you’ve recently watched The Social Network, a movie that, aside from being an…

Harvest by Margarita Fores
The past, present and future of Filipino kitchens is female

What’s your first ever food memory? I bet a thousand dollars it’s a memory of…

2015 11 soli recipe barako coffee trifle
3 ways to enjoy barako coffee

Because coffee is life

nolisoli eats restaurant apero
At Apero, there’s no shortcut to good food

While everyone is still deep in slumber and dreaming, Apero’s baking staff reports to work…

Messy spaces might just be the secret to success

There is a collective fascination for spatial order, expressed by our desire for the symmetrical,…

An Alabang-based mom builds dream home inspired by her favorite stores

Having a peg, for some reason, has gotten a bad rep, as if it were…

nolisoli art bar
What can you do with art materials from Art Bar?

Powerbooks and National Book Store are venturing into more specialized retail concepts this year, starting…

A sharp kitchen assistant

With the kitchen in mind, chef Chino Mempin of Restaurant Damaso continues the tradition of…

Tilde Café is your escape from the busy city

“We like to do things the hard way,” says Ginny Roces de Guzman who, together…