These are the skincare ingredients you should never mix

When I was around 16 to 18, I never really bothered with skincare because my…

Nobody can really be 100% vegan

An interrogation on the specifics of my protein intake, bacon jokes, and of course the…

Centenarian from Maine claims that wine is the secret to a long life

With every centenarian revealed from some corner of the world comes another claim to the…

This coffee mug doubles as a French press

News broke earlier this week showing new studies about coffee and its effect on health.…

You can now change the color of your eyes, permanently

Baby blue eyes. There are a dozen million songs written about them, and a dozen…

nolisoli health how companies are keeping their employees healthy
Here’s how your company can keep you fit and healthy

Businesses are shifting from the traditional corporate culture to one that puts a prime on…

chronic fatigue syndrome
Your constant feeling of being tired could be linked to your stomach

That feeling of constant fatigue may not be because you’re overworked all the time. Whether…

Biosensor tattoos are the health-tracker of the future

Ink on skin, tattoos have long been perceived as a medium of contrariness and self-expression.…

Apparently, sitting is not the new smoking

A study made in 2014 branded sitting as the “new smoking.” According to the research,…

Fluffy bread with no carbs? It’s possible

Bread has grown to be a substantial part of people’s lives, even for the rice-loving…